Steven C. Graham Achievement Award

The Certified Local Government Purchasing Officer Committee, in recognition and appreciation of the significant and invaluable contributions made to the success of Certified Local Government Purchasing Officer (CLGPO) examination candidates, established the Steven C. Graham Achievement Award in 2016.

2016 marked Steven's 13th year of teaching the CLGPO exam review session. Steve's review sessions have become a "must-do" among those who sit for the exam. Steve manages to convey a vast amount of law and practice in a day-long session in a way that keeps the attendees engaged and, at times, even laughing. Comments from successful exam applicants who took Steven's review session include, "Fantastic!", "I could not have passed the exam without Steve's review session", "Helped me tremendously", and "His materials are the perfect study guide for the exam."

To recognize Steven's continued contributions to the strength of the CLGPO program and the success of many examination candidates, the CLGPO Committee has established the "Steven C. Graham Achievement Award" to be given annually to the examination candidate who achieves the highest passing score on the CLGPO Certification Examination. The award will be presented each year at the Conference Spring Banquet during the CLGPO presentations.



2025Jessica Hullender, Cumberland County; Brad Lackey, New Hanover County Schools
2024Corey Brooks, Union County
2023Holly Aldridge, Town of Wake Forest
2022Kathryn McMillan, Town of Chapel Hill
2021Richard Hallam, Town of Knightdale
2020Robin Spencer, City of Greensboro; Anita Brown, City of Greensboro
2019Susan Westbrook, City of Marion
2018Amanda Bullard, Purchasing Manager, Cumberland County
2017Robert McDaniel, Cleveland County Schools
2016Julia Vosnock, Cape Fear Public Utility

Sustained Professional Purchasing Award

The Hall-Wicker Award

Frayda Bluestein Scholarship Award

Billy D. Ray Purchaser of the Year Award

Steven C. Graham Achievement Award