NCAGP Certifications

The North Carolina Association of Governmental Purchasing offers a voluntary certification program (CLGPO) for government purchasing officers. Its purposes are to:

  • Provide a greater service to taxpayers through more efficient purchasing.
  • Recognize achievement of an established level of competency and proficiency among purchasing officials.
  • Provide continuing professional development of purchasing officials and enhance their professional image.

The Certified Local Government Purchasing Officer (CLGPO) certification is administered by the UNC School of Government with an examination offered every year in February or March on the day before the annual Local Government Purchasing School (NCAGP Spring Conference).

Requirements and applications for certification, recertification, and lifetime certification can be found at the UNC School of Government.

NCAGP Certifications

NIGP Certifications

UPPCC Certifications

Frayda Bluestein Scholoarship Application